2013: Year of the Stem Cell

Diposting oleh Unknown on Senin, 24 Juni 2013

Researchers have already safely injected stem cells into patients with neurodegenerative diseases and spinal cord injuries -- and they've seen the potential to vastly improve lives.

Knut Olstad in August 2011, 20 minutes before the accident that left him paralyzed below the waist

Marcus Hilton has probably been going blind since he was born, though he didn't really begin to notice that something was wrong until he was seven or eight. Several years after that, he was officially diagnosed with Stargardt disease, the leading cause of juvenile blindness. Thirty-four years of decline later, his retinas irreparably damaged, he is unable to drive, read fine print, or recognize people from a distance.

For Knut Olstad, devastation came much more suddenly. Having quit smoking and taken up cross-country skiing and bicycling in an early mid-life crisis, he was 45 years old and on what he described as the vacation of his life, conquering 25 mountains on the Tour de France route. On the last descent of the twenty-fifth mountain, on what might even have been the final turn of the entire trip, a car veered into his lane. He swerved out of the way, squeezed just a little too hard on the front brake ... the next thing he remembers is waking up, immobile, in a hospital where equipment beeped ominously through his morphine fog and everyone spoke a foreign language.

"I thought I was in a science fiction movie," he recalled over the phone from his home in Norway. And even as he's slowly been able to make sense of what happened to him, his life since then has, in a way, remained in the realm of the abnormal.

In 1998, when human embryonic stem cells were first isolated, we anticipated a "rush of medical advances," as The New York Times put it. That promise -- along with all of the ensuing controversy -- is still alive, has already become reality in select cases -- for example, with bone marrow transplantations -- and still has plans to live up to all of the expectations that have been set for it.

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"The question now," the Times wrote then, "is what use can be made of the potentially awesome power to rejuvenate human cells." After 15 years, there are a lot of people waiting for a miracle, for the day cell-based therapy gives back what's been taken from them.

People blind from macular degeneration, like Hilton, who's blind "on paper only" but hopes that research will forge ahead to help not just him, but everyone suffering from degenerative diseases.

People with spinal cord injuries, like Olstad, who is still struggling to come to terms with the fact that he had just turned his life around when life, in turn, put him in a wheelchair.

People losing their minds to Alzheimer's, and their bodies to Parkinson's and ALS. People with heart disease, diabetes, and cancer; children with genetic brain disorders who aren't expected to live to see their tenth birthday.

Stem cells were only quietly on the radar in 2012. In October, the Nobel Prize was awarded to John Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka, who are lauded for laying the foundation of regenerative medicine, for work done, in Gurdon's case, in 1962, and, for Yamanaka, more recently in 2006. In the labs, those on the front lines of stem cell research have seen important results: the first preliminary data on a clinical trial at UCLA with embryonic stem cells was published at the end of January, funded by the company Advanced Cell Technology (ACT). In September, the first data from neural stem cells being used in human spinal cord patients in a hospital in Zurich was presented by StemCells, Inc, and in October, the company published data from a second trial in children with a fatal disorder affected their brains' myelin production -- the first trial, which was also the first to receive FDA approval to transplant neural stem cells into children, took place in 2006.

The findings come from two different areas of the field: ACT works with what are known as pluripotent stem cells, which can be made to turn into any cell in the body. StemCells, Inc., on the other hand, uses tissue-specific, or "adult," stem cells, which have already become what they are -- in this case, brain tissue.

And the progress, thus far, looks something like this: Knut Olstad could feel a finger placed on his stomach almost 50 percent of the time, and brain scans of electrical stimuli back up his assertion that some feeling has indeed been restored to where previously, there had been none.

Knut Olstad with his girlfriend this past summer

Three of the six children from the first neural stem cell trial have since died from their disease, but autopsies showed that the stem cells survived and migrated throughout their brains. Children in the second trial have been making modest gains, and their cells are creating new myelin, as they're intended to.

The small area of Hilton's retina that was injected with pigmented cells at Moorsfield Eye Hospital in London has retained that pigmentation after 16 months, meaning the cells haven't been rejected. Some of the two dozen similar patients are saying they can see purples and blues again.

It's small and non-definitive progress, yes, and researchers have done their due diligence not to overinflate reality. The press has been similarly subdued, hinting only at signs of "potential." But when Hilton and Olstad signed up to participate in clinical trials, their doctors were extremely cautious not to make any promises. The men, after all, were both taking part in safety trials -- the goal was only to see whether hundreds of thousands -- or in Olmstad's case, millions -- of stem cells could be injected into human subjects without tumors forming, for example, and without the patients being harmed by the immunosuppressants they're required to be on. They were chosen to participate precisely because of how absolute their disabilities were. For something to go right -- for any improvements in their conditions to be seen at all -- was not part of the plan.

But Olstad said that although he knew not to expect anything, he still had hope. "Otherwise," he said, "I would not have participated."

StemCells Inc. is currently performing more safety trials at the University of Zurich in patients paralyzed by spinal cord injuries. Of three patients, two have regained some sensation below the level of their injury. The full results will be published early in 2013, after which they can begin testing in patients with milder injuries -- patients for whom a dose of stem cells could improve their partial functioning. For the first time, explained Stephen Huhn, the company's vice president, neuroscientists can actually look at the possibility of being able to repair the central nervous system.

For the macular degeneration trials, the goal isn't to restore vision to the blind, but to prevent disease-related degeneration to begin with. Since they haven't seen any adverse effects in their trial patients, explained Robert Lanza, the chief scientific officer at ACT, they're moving to inject stem cells into patients at much early stages of disease who still have relatively good eyesight, with the goal of keeping it from getting any worse. In a different approach to the same condition, StemCells, Inc. has also initiated a trial that uses neural stem cells in patients with dry age-related macular degeneration.

In all future trials, ACT will also be using its patented "embryo-safe" technique, which allows them to biopsy a single cell from an embryo -- similar to what's done in pre-implantation genetic diagnosis during the IVF process -- and then replicate that cell ad infinitum. Lanza, whose accent renders him unequivocally Bostonian, was all but obligated to put it this way: "If you consider that cell to be one Red Sox fan, we can actually, from there, create enough to fill all of Fenway Park."

They're also in the process of filing with the FDA to begin trials with platelets derived from pluripotent stem cells, as an alternative to the embryonic blood transfusions currently in use. After establishing safety, the next phase, which would begin sometime in the first half of 2013, will use blood or skin cells derived directly from the patient -- who would then become his or her own blood donor, and thus eliminating the need for transfusions.

"The field is advancing, and like everything in medicine, it takes time," said Huhn. He compares it to the moon landing -- before there was one small step for man, there were countless smaller steps leading up to that moment. His company is now underway in planning a phase II controlled trial for the fatal childhood myelination disorder -- meaning they'll be able to evaluate stem cells' potency as a treatment -- and they are also seeking approval to conduct trials in patients with Alzheimer's, which animal data suggests could be effective.

Indeed, animal trials are where most progress has thus far been seen; most recently, the composite results of eleven independent mouse studies lead experts to conclude that the transplantation of neural stem cells into patients with ALS, with the goal not to cure, but to sustain life, "may be ready for clinical trials."

"This is a field that has received a lot of attention -- some would even say hype -- and I think that expectations about how quickly we can do things have been raised," Huhn added. "But I feel good that even though it looks like we're proceeding incrementally, that we're starting to accelerate and get more interesting data."

"We're trying to move as responsibly as we can, but we are going to accelerate it seeing as we haven't had any adverse effects with the patients that were treated to date," said Lanza, adding that it was difficult to say no when the first macular degeneration patients begged them to defy protocol and treat their second eye. "If we have something we can do to help these patients, we really have an obligation to move this along as expediently as we can."


It's Not Too Early to Talk About Freezing Your Eggs

2013 probably won't be the year that the big miracles anticipated from stem cell research will come to pass. But it does promise to be one full of more small, but significant advances toward that future goal.

In the meantime, Hilton sits in front of his TV, covering and uncovering his treated eye while he watches the news ticker at the bottom of the screen, noticing small differences in the size of the text. Olstad, from his wheelchair, works out every day, imagining that he can somehow encourage the stem cells implanted above the site of his injury to connect with those implanted below.

"I feel very strongly about the obligation to be balanced and measured, but also to convey that we're starting to make progress," said Huhn. "It's this type of work that leads to medical breakthroughs."
Selengkapnya2013: Year of the Stem Cell

10 Gejala Diabetes

Diposting oleh Unknown on Senin, 17 Juni 2013

Diabetes adalah penyakit yang sulit mendeteksi gejala awalnya, karena gejala yang ditimbulkan sering dianggap ringan dan diabaikan. Karena gejala awal ini sering dianggap biasa, penderita diabetes sering tidak menyadari bahwa dia sudah harus melakukan beberapa perawatan medis. Banyak juga penderita diabetes yang terlambat ditangani sehingga membahayakan kesehatan bagian tubuh lain.

Penting bagi semua orang untuk tahu gejala awal diabetes, tidak hanya bagi Anda yang berisiko tinggi, tetapi juga Anda yang merasa sehat-sehat saja dan tidak ada bakat diabetes. Jangan jadikan usia muda sebagao patokan untuk waspada, karena semakin banyak penderita diabetes berusia muda bahkan remaja. Dilansir Genius Beauty, inilah 10 gejala diabetes yang tidak boleh Anda remehkan.

1. Berat Badan Turun Tanpa Sebab

Jangan senang dulu saat berat badan Anda turun tanpa sebab. Berat badan seharusnya turun jika Anda mengubah pola makan, melakukan aktivitas melebihi aktivitas biasanya atau baru sembuh dari sakit. Berat badan yang turun tanpa sebab bisa menjadi gejala diabetes tipe 1. Ketika seseorang sudah terkena diabetes, tubuh tidak bisa lagi menggunakan glukosa dengan tepat, dsehingga timbunan lemak akan digunakan sebagai energi. Hal itulah yang membuat seseorang kehilangan berat badan.

2. Buang Air Kecil Lebih Sering
Ini merupakan indikasi lain bahwa seseorang mengidap diabetes. Jika Anda lebih sering buang air kecil lebih sering, kondisi ini disebut poliuria.

3. Sering Haus
Tanpa sebab yang jelas, Anda merasa sangat haus sepanjang hari dan ingin minum. Ini terjadi karena tubuh kehilangan air akibat poliuria dan membutuhkan kembali pasokan cairan tubuh.

4. Penglihatan Semakin Lemah
Jika penglihatan Anda semakin sering kabur, itu bisa disebabkan katena tingkat glukosa dalam darah meningkat. Glukosa tersebut akan menumpuk di sekitar lensa mata, sehingga penglihatan Anda sering tidak fokus.

5. Mengalami Penggelapan Warna Kulit
Bintik-bintik gelap mulai muncul di kulit. Biasanya bintik atau penggelapan kulit terjadi di sekitar leher dan merupakan indikasi diabetes. Tubuh merespon insulin dengan menghasilkan lebih banyak pigmen, sehingga beberapa bagian kulit menjadi lebih gelap.

6. Mudah Lelah
Anda lebih mudah lelah daripada biasanya. Waspadai gejala ini karena ini merupakan gejala diabetes.

7. Sering Merasa Lapar
Kadar insulin membuat orang merasa mudah lapar walaupun sudah makan banyak dari biasanya. Dorongan rasa lapar ini memuat seseorang makan lebih banyak atau secara medis disebut dengan polifagia.

8. Luka Butuh Waktu Lama Untuk Sembuh
Indikasi mudah untuk mengetahui gejala diabetes adalah luka pada tubuh Anda. Jika Anda mengalami luka potong atau luka gores yang lama kering dan lama sembuh dibanding biasanya, ini adalah gejala yang harus diwaspadai.

9. Sering Mengalami Infeksi Vagina dan Saluran Kemih
Ketika glukosa sudah melebihi batas tertentu, beberapa tubuh Anda akan mengalami infeksi berkala. Jika Anda lebih sering mengalami infeksi, terutama pada vagina dan saluran kandung kemih, bisa jadi ini adalah gejala diabetes.

10. Kaki Mati Rasa Saat Ditusuk Jarum
Indikasi lain diabetes adalah menurunnya fungsi saraf yang menghilangkan sensasi sakit pada tungkai kaki, atau sering kesemutan. Waspada gejala ini, apalagi jika Anda tidak merasa sakit saat kaki tertusuk jarum.

Untuk Penanganan  silahkan berkonsultasi pada dokter Ahli atau menghubungi kami

Untuk Sharing dan Informasi , silahkan hubungi kami di :

Martono Saleh
0877 9511 6888 / 0812 7482 4021 HP, (SMS Only)
Email : abangton@gmail.com
Selengkapnya10 Gejala Diabetes


Diposting oleh Unknown on Minggu, 16 Juni 2013

Selamat Anda sekarang berada di sebuah kendaraan yang sedang melaju kencang dan akan membawa Anda ke tempat yang Anda impikan.

Kabar gembira untuk Anda, karena Jeunesse telah memenangkan penghargaan bergengsi dari Direct Selling News yaitu ETHOS RISING STAR AWARDS karena pencapaian yang excellent dimana sampai saat ini Jeunesse sudah membayar komisi lebih dari $126juta, selain itu di bulan Januari saja Jeunesse sudah menghasilkan penjualan lebih dari $20juta. Hanya dalam waktu 3 tahun dari 0 sampai $126juta! Anda beruntung bisa berada di sebuah perusahaan cepat perkembangannya dan Anda akan ikut naik jika Anda take action dan terus konsisten menjalankannya.

Selain itu, kabar gembira datang dari Jeunesse Australia, Lyndon Biernoff menjadi Diamond Director terbaru. Lyndon naik dari Ruby ke Diamond hanya dalam waktu singkat : 4 bulan saja.Kantor Australia & New Zealand buka tahun lalu di bulan September 2012, sekarang sudah mulai muncul milyader2
baru disana.

Indonesia baru saja pre launch 23 Maret 2013,1 tahun kemudian akan muncul milyader-milyader baru dari Indonesia dan salah satunya adalah ANDA!

Ini hanyalah sebuah pilihan dan yang menentukan pilihan itu adalah ANDA SENDIRI!
Mana yang Anda pilih??

Tertarik dan mau Tau detailnya Informasi Ini seperti apa?


Untuk Pendaftaran dan Informasi , silahkan hubungi kami di :

Martono Saleh
0877 9511 6888 / 0812 7482 4021 HP, (SMS Only)
Email : abangton@gmail.com

SelengkapnyaMILYADER BARU 2014

Grand OPP Jeunesse Indonesia 17 Juni 2013 (Menghadirkan 5 Orang Diamond)

Diposting oleh Unknown on Jumat, 14 Juni 2013

Grand OPP Jeunesse Indonesia 17 Juni 2013 (Hadir 5 Orang Diamond)

Setelah Ivan menjadi Diamond pertama di Indonesia,
kini giliran anda untuk menerima tongkat estafet menjadi Milyarder Jeunesse berikutnya.
Bagi anda yang belum bergabung di Jeunesse, anda bisa hadir
di Grand OPP (Presentasi Peluang Bisnis Jeunesse). Tiket FREE.

Anda akan bertemu langsung dengan 5 Orang Milyarder Jeunesse.
Bukti nyata kisah sukses dari bisnis eCommerce paling fenomenal saat ini yaitu Jeunesse Global.

Profil Double Diamond KIM HUI
Ibu Rumah Tangga dari Amerika, memulai bisnis jeunesse di tahun 2009, Total Komisi lebih dari Rp 120 Milyar (Top Earner Jeunesse Global). Dengan Income-nya Kim Hui berhasil mempensiunkan suaminya yang bekerja sebagai Dokter. Saat ini Komisi Per Bulan Rp 10 Milyar.

Profil Diamond Director TINA HU
Ibu berusia 60-an seorang imigran gelap dari China, datang ke Amerika secara Ilegal. Pernah bekerja sebagai pelayan, baby sitter & pembantu rumah tangga. Menjalankan Jeunesse di Amerika sekalipun tidak bisa berbahasa Inggris. Dalam waktu kurang dari 4 tahun telah memiliki komisi Rp 2,7 Milyar Per Bulan. Mengalahkan gaji anaknya yang bekerja sebagai Software Engineer di Australia yang hanya berpenghasilan Rp 100 Juta Per Bulan.

Profil Diamond Director STEFANUS SANDY (IVAN)
Top Earner Jeunesse Indonesia. Total Komisi lebih dari 5 Milyar.
Komisi Per Hari (Rp 20 Juta). Bergabung di Jeunesse Maret 2011.

>> Take Action Sekarang Juga <<

Reservasi Kehadiran SMS ke 0877-9511-6888

“Bersiaplah untuk meraih Income seperti dibawah ini (1-3 tahun ke depan)”

SelengkapnyaGrand OPP Jeunesse Indonesia 17 Juni 2013 (Menghadirkan 5 Orang Diamond)


Diposting oleh Unknown on Senin, 10 Juni 2013

Oya Untuk Sharing  dan Informasi , silahkan hubungi kami di :

Martono Saleh
0877 9511 6888 / 0812 7482 4021 HP, (SMS Only)
Email : abangton@gmail.com



Diposting oleh Unknown

Oya Untuk Sharing  dan Informasi , silahkan hubungi kami di :

Martono Saleh
0823 7777 9771 HP, (SMS Only)
Email : abangton@gmail.com



Diposting oleh Unknown

Oya Untuk Sharing  dan Informasi , silahkan hubungi kami di :

Martono Saleh
0877 9511 6888 / 0812 7482 4021 HP, (SMS Only)
Email : abangton@gmail.com



Diposting oleh Unknown

   Saat ini perkembangan internet di indonesia semakin meningkat tajam dan pesat didukung oleh menjamurnya os buatan google ,yaitu android.maka untuk mendapatkan semua smartphone dengan os android sangat terjangkau harga nya,perkembangan toko online dan belanja online pun semakin marak.

 Di china saat ini dengan penduduk yang jumlah nya sekitar 1.5 miliar rata rata di rumah mereka memiliki wifi dan kecepatan internet yang kencang, situs belanja online seperti taobao.com dan tmall.com pun memiliki banyak customer.

Dengan adanya internet maka bekerja secara online pun sangat mungkin dilakukan sekarang cara ini pun banyak dilakukan oleh beberapa perusahaan besar  Dengan adanya internet.tentu akan banyak menghemat waktu kita.contohnya macet.Sering kali kita banyak meghabiskan waktu di jalan terjebak macet,  beberapa kendala lain nya,  rawan kecelakaan karena faktor tergesa gesa dalam mengemudi karena di kejar oleh waktu.

Dengan dukungan blog serta facebook,  Maka untuk membuat suatu website sebagai sarana penunjang kerja kita. Dengan hanya beberapa klik maka jadilah toko online kita.

Dengan adanya toko online ini maka kita sudah bisa bekerja.

Untuk memulai bisnis online.langkah pertama memang sangat susah tetapi jika sudah berhasil maka akan sangat luar biasa di luar perkiraan anda saat ini.

Untuk itu di sini saya akan memgajarkan langkah menuju ke arah kesuksesan itu.

Mari kita manfaatkan smartphone kita dan sosial media kita.seperti facebook dan twitter,wechat,line ,blackbery atau yang lebih dikenal bbm sebagai toko online kita untuk memulai langkah awal menuju kesuksesan.

Dan yang terakhir adalah system yang saya buat sedemikian gampang dan mudah untuk membantu teman teman menuju zona aman.

Teman teman hanya perlu meluangkan sedikit waktu untuk menulis dan mencari informasi dan disebarkan lewat toko online.dan system yang saya rancang akan membantu anda di saat anda sedang tidak bekerja dan sedang tidur.tetapi rekening anda tetap akan bekerja menghitung uang anda di saat anda sedang tidur.menarik bukan?karena toko online itu buka 24 hours.

Sebuah kesuksesan tidak diperoleh hanya dengan berpikir saja. Tetapi just do it.

Gimana caranya sebuah bisnis yang bisa profit sebanyak mungkin. Dengan modal yang seminimal mungkin.

Terkadang suatu hobby kemungkinan sangat besar menjadi usaha /bisnis yang sekarang lagi kita geluti/jalankan.

Untuk yang type pekerja atau yang masIH bekerja dengan mengharapkan gaji maka harus berpikir untuk keluar dari lingkaran itu.

Karena di saat anda sedang sakit atau tidak bisa masuk kerja maka otomatis anda akan kehilangan pendapatan anda.
Hal ini sangat berbahaya sekali jika kita memiliki banyak tanggungan keluarga.

Di sini saya tidak menyeratakan mutasi rekening dan saldo akhir bank.
Karena saya tidak ingin anda mengejar nilai atau angka tersebut.karena akan terasa sangat lelah, Tetapi saya akan membuat "nilai itu' yang akan mengejar anda .